Friday, September 26, 2008

Physical Education in Schools

Physical education in schools has been declining for years. When school budgets are cut, the first thing to go is Physical Education. This is part of the reason for the ever increase in obese children who grow up into obese adults. It is recommended by the American Heart Association that elementary students should receive at least 150 minutes of daily exercise a week, which means a half hour a day. The AHA also recommends that middle school students have at least 225 minutes of vigorous exercise a week which means they should be getting 45 minutes a day. These recommendations don't mean exercise in terms of kickball or homerun derby, they mean vigorous exercise like running or swimming. By increasing physical activity in students, is has been proven that students concentrate better, behave better in class, and score higher on tests. These are positive attributes to school. Increased physical activity will also help people of all ages maintain a healthy weight, have a higher self esteem, maintain a healthy heart, and improve circulation. Why are schools cutting physical education classes? Some schools believe that it is not the schools responsibility to give the students physical activity; it is the responsibility of the parent. Others just believe that knowledge is more important that physical health, so when budgets are cut, the physical education goes first. In my perspective, you cannot have one without the other. Physical Education in America's Public Schools Physical Education in Schools

Thursday, September 18, 2008

About me!

My name is Stephanie and I am a senior at Salem State College. I plan on graduating in May and will hopefully get a job in cardiac rehab. After graduating, I will be taking a year off before going back for my masters. I have 3 brothers, 24, 23, and soon to be 21, and we all are very close. I have played sports my entire life with an emphasis on soccer. I do not play college sports because I work full time as a manager over at the North Shore Music Theater. I currently am living with my boyfriend, Mike, and our two cats, Charlie and Bella, in Salem. In my free time I like to relax for the most part, but I also like to go out with my friends, go kayaking, run, and go for walks with Mike. One thing that I try to do once a week is have dinner with my parents on Sunday. It doesn't always happen, but it is nice when it happens. If you want to know more, just ask. Thanks for the view!