Thursday, October 9, 2008

Indreased Salaries for Educators

Teachers today have been neglected financially. Here they are, educating our future generations, and they cannot even pay their bills. Teachers need at least a bachelors in education to become an educator. They then accept low wages that do not compare to jobs with similar requirements. Unfortunately, this is the cause of good teachers switching careers. This is why the NEA (National Education Association) is pushing for a nation wide starting salary for all pre-K-12 teachers of $40,000/year. This would allow the education system to keep the teachers that they typically would have lost due to minimal salaries. In college settings, it has become virtually impossible for teachers without tenure to survive at just one institution. They tend to teach at multiple schools just to pay the bills. This is why the NEA is pushing for higher salaries in higher education settings as well. I support this notion because the average starting salary in pre-K-12 is $35,000 a year which is only$5,000 more than I make a year. My job has no requirements other than being old enough to manage, which is dependant on the person. I do not have any dependants and only have to fend for myself. I barely scrape by month to month on my salary. Now add in one or two kids in a single parent home, how is the parent supposed to support the children and herself in a healthy manner? Educators also should receive higher ranging salaries in order to keep the passionate teachers. Educators have the second most important job, which is educating our future generations. Why wouldn't we want our children to have to best teachers and have the best opportunities?
NEA: Professional Pay - Teacher Salaries, Living Wage

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