Friday, October 17, 2008

Special Education and Inclusion

I believe that the Inclusion of special education in normal schools is beneficial to all students, not just the disabled ones. It teaches the special students how to interact with society and they get to make friends who can help them out. With inclusion, the normal students get to learn that though some people are disabled, they are still capable of being a friend. It also teaches acceptance to the other students. It makes them aware of what these students go through on a day to day basis in order to be successful. It is absolutely inspiring how hard these students try their hardest at everything they do. At my school, it was common to see special education students in normal classes and participating in after school activities. No one made fun of them, everyone seemed to respect and welcome them into whichever activities they decided to join. I know, surprising at a high school level. Not to be stereotypical, but the "jocks" were the most accepting of the special education students. These students would be team managers and sometimes be and active part of the team, despite the fact that they were not as skilled. It was really nice to experience that while in high school because it made me a more understanding and welcoming person. There is no reason not to include special education individuals simply because they need some additional help. It is actually the silliest thing i have heard of. We had a mute quadriplegic in my high school who managed with assistance to go to normal classes and successfully complete high school.

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