Saturday, November 29, 2008

Education is Like Building a House

When approaching the skill of teaching, I tend to think of building a house. I chose the skill of building a house because only with communication and a strong foundation will the house survive through storms. In education, a strong foundation is important because the foundation allows the students to fall back on the things they do know to help them learn new things. The foundations are always most important because they are the basics and allow skills to be built on. One cannot do calculus without first doing addition and subtraction. Like education, if the foundation of the house is not strong, the walls will cave in and the house will crumble. Even though the foundation is very important, if the rest of the structure is not put up correctly with care, the house will still be unstable. Likewise, education cannot be left strictly to the foundations, it is still important to continue to build the students academics carefully with many check points in order to make sure of their success. By building check points in education, a teacher can determine where the student struggles and in response, give them additional help in that area. Like in building houses, there is one person who is in charge who conducts tests and inspects the work done on the house to ensure its safety. Overall, like building a house, education takes a lot of work and requires not only a strong foundation, but continuous inspections to ensure the students success. Geological Sciences,

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